The Falling of Love (The Falling Series Book 1) Page 13
“What’s wrong, babe?” he asks.
She puts her palms together and stares down at them.
“Don’t tell me you’re getting shy on me again.” He reaches for her arm, pulls her on the bed, and tickles her.
“Stop that! Stop that right now!” she screams, as she laughs and wiggles all over the bed.
Despite his words, he abruptly stops tickling her and kisses her passionately. Every muscle and nerve in her body responds to him. The moment rapidly changes from fun and light hearted to heated and sexual.
“You asked if you could do anything for me,” he says, with a wicked grin.
“I did.”
“I want you to try something new,” he says, with caution in his voice and on his face.
She looks up at him, feeling innocent and unsure. He lays flat on his back and moves her to his side. He then gently puts his hand on her back and pushes her near his groin. At first, she is stiff and unsure of what he wants, but then she realizes exactly what he is asking of her.
“I’ve never…” Her voice fades.
“It’s okay. I’ll show you.”
Again, he pushes her to his groin. He grabs himself and very gently pushes her head toward his stiff erection.
“Open your mouth.”
She quickly turns her head to look at him, feeling shocked.
“It’s okay, just do it. Put your mouth around me, baby, please.”
She wraps her lips around the tip, and he shrieks out a sound that she has not heard from him before. He gently puts his hand on her head and pushes her head up and down. His body tenses and quivers against her. She is absolutely amazed at what she is doing to him and discovers that it is making her ache for him, badly. She no longer needs his assistance, and she sucks harder. Her head moves up and down on his erection and he fills her entire mouth, almost choking her, but she finds it carnal and does not want to stop.
Ian puts his hand on her forehead to stop her.
“Now, get on top of me,” he says breathlessly.
She climbs on top of him, and he puts himself inside of her. Passion, aching, and pleasure fills her body. Every care in her little world is gone as they make love.
“I love you so much,” he says, as he holds her, their bodies dripping in sweat, both of them panting for air as they try to relax after making love. Ian loves the feel of her next to him in the moments after they are together. He never wants to let her go.
“Thank you,” he whispers, planting a kiss on her forehead.
“You don’t have to thank me. I enjoyed it,” she breathes. “Has anyone done that to you before?” she asks, not sure if she actually wants the answer.
He looks at her, seeming amused. “No. You’re the first, baby don’t worry.”
“But then…how did you know what to do?”
Ian smirks and puts his finger over his lips as if he is about to tell her a secret. “Jaden has a very extensive collection of porn, so I’ve been doing my homework,” he says, with a huge grin. “Honestly, he’s had this collection since Massachusetts. So I’ve seen some of them before.”
“You pervert!” she says, as she slaps his butt, laughing.
“Boys will be boys, Gracie,” he says, shrugging.
“I guess that makes sense, but porn?”
“It’s not that bad, babe. Some of them are highly educational.” He suggests, “You might want to watch one. You might just enjoy it.”
Grace looks at him, mouth wide open and then bursts into laughter.
Ian puts his head near Grace’s belly and blows on it, making her squirm and fidget while laughing hysterically. “I cannot get enough of your beautiful laugh.”
She cannot get enough of his playfulness.
“God, I love you,” he says, with a deep breath.
“I love you, too. So so so much.”
She stares at him and moments pass by. Her heart is filled with so much joy and love.
He looks at her, and she smiles widely at him before she says, “I’m so happy.”
His face beams at her words and the smile on his face extends to his glowing eyes.
“I am too, Gracie. Happier than I’ve ever freakin’ been in my whole life.”
He tugs on her and brings her closer. Lightly she places kisses on his bare chest and circles his bellybutton with the tip of her finger.
Ian relaxes as Grace rubs his chest, but inside his stomach is turning with the exciting news he has for her. “Babe,” he says before he leans down and catches her eyes, “I have some news.”
Grace widens her eyes and stares up at him. The usually bright green color is dark and tired, and Ian feels bad for keeping her up late.
“Jaden booked us a couple of gigs at this dive bar in Hollywood.” When she pops up and smacks his chest with a huge grin, it startles him. “Are you excited or something?”
“Oh my gosh, Ian! That is so freakin cool!”
“There’s just one problem.”
Her grin falls and her bottom lip juts out. “What’s that?”
“You won’t be able to go, babe.”
Her bottom lip slips out a little further and sadness touches her eyes.
“I’m sorry, Gracie. It’s at a bar. Jaden and I have to wear these bands on our wrists so the bartender knows we’re underage.”
Grace positions herself on her knees next to him and brings her hands together. The sheer look of disappointment on her face is almost enough for him to want to cancel the shows, but the irresistible excitement he has about playing his first show overtakes any other feelings.
“That’s really awesome,” she says, sounding sad.
“You don’t sound too happy about it.”
She seems to force a smile and shrugs her shoulders. “I just miss you, that’s all. You’re always working or off at band practice.”
He smiles in an attempt to comfort her and then pulls her back down onto his chest. “Things will get better once me and Jaden get the garage cleaned out. Then we can have band practice here. Don’t worry, babe, this is only our first couple of gigs. We’ll have other ones at all ages clubs. You will get to see us play.”
He rubs his hand up and down her arm, stopping to squeeze her shoulder. He misses her, too. He longs for the days where all they did was lay on her bed and listen to the rain pound the rooftop. Lately, he barely has time to eat dinner with her and he knows it is wearing on them both.
Grace sits on the porch anxiously awaiting the arrival of Ian and Jaden. Their show in downtown Hollywood was over an hour ago. She glances at the watch that is loosely wrapped around her wrist. The time it shows only makes her worry more, even though Ian called her after the show and told her how amazing it was. Over twenty people showed up, but he sounded like it had been a thousand.
She is so happy for him, but waiting for the boys to arrive home, she worries something happened. A few moments later, the van that picked him up pulls into the driveway, relieving her worries. Ian and Jaden pile out of their bandmate’s van, a cloud of smoke escaping the van with them. She is filled with excitement when she sees Ian crawl out of the van. His dreams are becoming a reality, and she wants nothing more than the best for him. The look on his face fills her heart with so much warmth. He runs to her, sweeps her up in his arms, and kisses her.
Jaden walks by and shakes his head. “Get a room!”
“I’m so happy for you!” she yells to Jaden.
“Thanks, sugar! It was bad ass,” says Jaden as the creaky screen door slams behind him.
“Everything you ever dreamed of?” she asks Ian.
“Well, it’s a start, babe. It’s a start.”
The two of them head inside and upstairs to their bedroom. She gets into bed and watches Ian as he peels off his tight leather pants. “How do you get those darn things on?”
“It’s not easy, but look at how hard-core I look,” he says, laughing.
“You would look hard-core in a
potato sack.” His long auburn hair, pale skin, his chiseled six-pack, the riveting muscles on his arms, and those stunning electric blue eyes, send her emotions into a frenzy. He melts her heart with his smile. She watches him undress and sighs heavily.
“What’s wrong?” he asks.
She smiles and shakes her head. “Not a thing, handsome. Just admiring what’s mine.”
He smiles back and climbs into bed.
“Make love to me, baby. I want you,” he says, as seduction hums in his tone.
She is more than eager to make love to him. He takes her in his arms and she loses herself in his kiss.
Chapter 10
The weather warms to a nice temperature that Grace is not used to. Growing up in Ocean View, it was always no more than seventy degrees. Grace sits at the dining room table filling out her invitations to her graduation, which is rapidly approaching. With a heavy heart, she writes James Hathaway on an envelope. Underneath, she adds her old address while wondering if he’ll even read it. She licks the envelope and takes a deep breath, holding it in for a moment before she lets it out. Ian walks in, clanking as usual. He has a new strut to the way he walks. She has noticed a change in Ian over the past couple of months. Not enough to concern her, but she can see that his band’s recent success is going to his head.
“Hey, babe,” he says, as he grabs an apple from a basket on the well-polished table. “Whatcha up to?”
She lifts up the graduation invitations and gives him a huge grin, feeling a nervous excitement. He only nods in a conceited, but cool manner and gives her a thumbs up.
“I got accepted to UCLA,” she says, timidly.
“Oh yeah, how much is that going to cost me?”
His lack of interest hurts her heart.
“I applied for a Pell Grant and other student loans, so while I’m in school it won’t cost us a dime.”
He sits down at the table, legs spread wide, chomping on his apple. The juice from the apple squirts out of the corner of his mouth, and it makes her stomach turn. He thinks he’s such a bad ass.
“Well, that’s good. I already have to work every day of my life to support us.”
He continues munching on his apple. Grace gets up and hands him a napkin.
“So, still considering art as your major?” he asks, as if the question annoys him.
“Yeah, of course. You know I have always wanted to pursue my art and learn more.”
He nods at her again with that same arrogant nod. It is becoming maddening. That movement of his head combined with the juice from that apple, is enough to make her get up from her chair and leave the room. She walks out to the mailbox. With a heavy heart, she slides the graduation invitations in the mailbox and stands with her hand resting on it for a moment as sadness overtakes her. Ian’s attitude has put a damper on her excitement. Feeling unhappy about knowing James will not be at her graduation was already enough to get through without Ian adding more negativity.
After standing silently at the mailbox for a long moment, Grace kicks at the dirt and rocks that cover the driveway that lead to the old Victorian. She walks back to the house, her gaze focused on the dust she creates. She lifts her head and sees Jaden is sitting on the porch strumming on his guitar. She had not noticed him when she walked out of the door a few moments before. Grace sits on the wicker couch next to him. She admires his sultry voice and the melodious song he plays.
“Is that new?” she asks, when he finishes.
“Yeah, I wrote it last night. Heavy shit, huh?” he asks, in his oh-so-smooth voice.
“Who’s it about?”
“Oh, no one in particular.”
“Well, Jaden, as usual it’s amazing.”
“Thanks, sugar.”
Grace walks back inside the house. Ian is no longer sitting at the table, however, he left her a little gift on it.
“At least he put a napkin under it.” She exhales as she cleans up his apple core.
Ian sucks on a cigarette that burns between his fingers and taps it sending ashes falling onto the stage. He closes his eyes as he releases the smoke from his lungs. Opening them again, he looks out over the smoky club. He explores the faces of the fans in the crowd. A group of women, scantily clad, chant his name as they reach up to him, swaying their arms to the chords that Jaden plays. A rush of self-confidence takes over his body. Shaking his head, he smiles down at them, still amazed that they know who he is. He takes another drag from his cigarette and then tosses it carelessly onto the stage, grabs his microphone from the stand, and folds his arms over his chest. “Ian, Ian, Ian,” the women chant. Every time he hears his name he gains a little more pride in himself as a front man and as a musician.
He runs his finger over his bare, wet chest, and the women, along with others, scream and whistle. He knows exactly what he is doing when he steps forward, just above them and does it once again, but this time he aims to be even sexier by letting his finger drop lower, almost dipping into his tight, unzipped leather pants. Rocking his head to the rhythm of his latest song, he takes in a deep breath and prepares to let out a commanding scream. He bellows out the hard-hitting lyrics and then places his microphone back on the stand. Moving his body to the beat of the drums he slides his hands up and down the stand, mimicking sensually caressing a woman. This drives the women into a frenzy of screams, turning him on. He loves to tease his female fans. It is as if he is dangling a candy bar in front of a child. The only time he has ever felt so sexy was with Grace.
Before the band makes their way off the stage, Ian bends down and picks up the bra that was thrown at him during the last song. Smiling at it, he shoves it into his pocket and then winks at the woman that threw it to him.
Backstage he flops down onto a chair and tries to catch his breath. Jaden hands him a bottle of whiskey and he chugs it down letting some of it seep out of his mouth and run down his chin.
“I could clean that up for you.”
Ian lifts his eyes and standing dangerously close to him is a tall fair skinned woman with luscious red, wavy hair that rivals his for most vibrant.
“Oh yeah?” he asks, smirking.
“With my tongue, baby.”
His smile sweeps up to the side before he brings the bottle back to his lips and gulps down more of the warm alcohol.
“You were so sexy up there on that stage,” the woman says, taking a step closer to him.
He rests the bottle on his leg and takes in the sight of her. She has legs to die for, she is tall, and her blouse does not leave much to the imagination. Her sleek mini-skirt stops at the top of her thighs. He is sure if she bent over he could catch a glimpse of her ass. While he finds her attractive he cannot help but compare her looks to Grace’s.
“Have you seen us play before?” he asks, trying to steer the conversation toward the band.
“I’ve been to all of your shows for the last two months. You don’t recognize me?”
“Sometimes it’s hard to make out the details of faces in the crowd.”
“I have an unforgettable face,” she says, as she kneels and rests her hand, with long red fingernails, on his thigh.
“That you do.” He lifts the bottle to her offering her a drink.
She looks all too eager to take it from him.
“Have you bought our CD yet?”
Handing him back the bottle she gives him an are-you-crazy look. Ian nods and swigs more alcohol from the bottle.
“Would you like a hand job from a hot redhead?”
He chokes a little on the liquid that still burns his throat. He is taken aback by her forwardness and cannot think of a reply. Before he has a chance to respond, the group of women that was going crazy over him during the show rushes up to him.
“Ian, you were incredible!” says the one whose breasts are now slightly sagging.
“Oh my God, you’re the best singer ever!” cries another, as she takes his free hand.
“Do you mind?” says the redhead as she rises to her feet and plac
es her hands on her hips. She scowls at them and Ian senses they may come to blows.
“Ladies,” says one of the roadies as he throws his arms over two of the women’s shoulders, “let’s let Ian relax for a bit. They played a long set and he’s tired.”
“Dude!” yells a kid that looks younger than him as he rushes toward where Ian sits. “That was badass, man! Fuckin’ sick!” He raises his hand to give Ian a high-five and Ian reciprocates. The longer he sits there, the more inundated he becomes by fans. Never in his life has he felt so important, so successful. The roadie manages to get the small crowd to retreat to another area backstage and Ian is left to revel in his newfound stardom.
The entire drive home his mind races with all the praise he received and he cannot help smiling at how glorious his life has become. How wanted and desired he is by his female following. Even though many of the women that came on to him backstage were for the most part beautiful in their own way, none of them made him feel the way Grace does or can come close to her beauty. All their sexual innuendos did was make him hot for Grace. Make him ache to be with her the entire forty-five minute drive home.
He is slightly disappointed when he enters their dark room and finds her sleeping, but he is so overcome with the desire to be with her, to touch her, to make love to her, he quickly decides that he cannot let her continue to sleep. Stripping down to nothing, he leaves his clothes on the floor at the foot of the bed. He watches as her body rises and falls with her slumbering breaths.
“Gracie,” he calls to her as he pulls the blankets from her. For a moment he pauses to take in her beauty. He always loves how peaceful and innocent she looks while sleeping. “Gracie?”
She stirs and her eyes flutter.
“Baby, I’m home.”
Now that the blankets are off her, he runs his hand across her legs. That redhead had nothing on you.
His touch wakes her and she looks into his eyes as he peers down at her. “Hi, babe.”
“Hi there.” She smiles.
“Do you know how fucking sexy you are when you’re sleeping?”